
EKX X20 Review: Is This Electric Bike or Motorcycle 2023?

Large in size is the EKX X20 electric bicycle. It's brash. It's debilitating. In essence, this fat tire electric bike is a lot of...

Duotts D10 Review: Who is 3200W Electric Scooter for?

An in-depth examination of the improved 2021 Duotts D10 the Toyota FJ Cruiser of electric scooters is provided in this article. The D10 has been...

ASOMTOM Q7 Review: Comfortable and Big E-Bike 2023!

ASOMTOM Q7 eMTB is reasonably priced. We carefully examined the price hit before coming to a conclusion. If you're interested in buying an e-bike, we...

SWFT BMX Review: How has E-Bike Performed in Real Life?

Now, parts of the bicycle industry where electrification was not anticipated are continuing. As a result, the SWFT BMX transports its stone to the...

Kugoo M5 Pro Review: Off Road 11-inch Tires E-Scooter 2023!

The Kugoo M5 Pro is an excellent commuter scooter that sticks out in the crowded commuter scooter market as a feature-rich, cost-effective e-scooter that...
