
Wallke H6 Review: This is Most Enduring 35Ah E-Bike!

E-bikes or electric bikes are increasingly common on bike lanes, trails, and even on public roadways across the nation. They offer a simple method...

Heybike Mars Review: Folding Electric Bike with Fat Tires!

I've always loved riding bikes, ever since I had my first one with a front flower basket and banana seat. I purchased a Specialized...

Razor Icon Review: What Surprised Me With This E-Scooter?

I keep looking over at the scooter that is parked next to my desk as I type this, and it gives me conflicting feelings....

KKBike K26S Review: Affordable Full Suspension E-Bike!

The brand-new KKBike K26S is a leader in the rapidly growing category of e-bikes designed specifically for hunting and equipped with powerful motors. This...

Bird Bike Review: What Can I Say About This E-Bike?

Popal Mobility Group (PMG), which recently joined Bird as a distributor, is going to take its relationship with the up-and-coming e-bike brand seriously. PMG...
