
SAMEBIKE YY26 Review: Big Electric Bike For Big People!

For those who may not be aware, I adore riding motorcycles and cycling. I miss it deeply, but I vowed I would return. With...

LANKELEISI X2000 Plus Review: What Can 1000W Electric Fat Bike Do?

There is no better way to rediscover cycling than an electric fat bike. These bikes can transport you on any path with comfort and...

HONBIKE U4 Review: This is Very Minimalistic but Beautiful Electric Bike!

The HONBIKE U4 is still functional and only costs 1699 euros online. You will learn what the e-mountain bike is capable of throughout this...

Lectric XP Lite Review: What are Reasons for Buying This E-Bike?

Even though we rarely test a bike model that changes our opinion of e-bikes, it does happen occasionally. Our evaluation of the Lectric XP...

Bezior X500 Pro Review: You Will Definitely Like This E-bike (2022)!

Increasing numbers of inexpensive e-bikes are increasingly being seen on German roadways. There are some that are helpful and some that are not so...
